Fun and games in Poland

You’ll have to forgive me but the next few post may be heavy on the Polish anecdotes (and maybe weak on spelling), this is because between the 29th of March and 2nd of April I am in… Poland!

In fact at the moment five friends and myself are engaging in game of UNO while drinking a few Polish beer and sitting on the loft of our hostel in Warsaw where we will sleeping tonight. The excitement of this may be lost on some, enjoying a few drinks while playing a game of cards doesn’t seem like best way to take in a new city, especially considering we are only spending a day in Warsaw.

But, after having risen at 4:30 am to catch a train from Gdansk (in the north of Poland), and spending most of the day walking through the city, a break was definitely needed. Rather then going directly to a bar for drinking and knowing at the time that it was to dinner we returned the hostel for a much needed short rest. Sleeping might make us too tiered to go out but not stopping could make it hard to enjoy an evening in a new city.

Buying a 500ml beer at the super market next to our hostel cost about 4 zloty (1 Euro or 1.40 USD) at a bar or restaurant that same brand and size of beer cost 10zloty. The cards we brought with us so they were free, and hostel unlike a coffee shop, restaurants , and pubs don’t make you buy more drinks to stay longer. In essence we were saving money while gaining energy. In terms of spending little and going far I think we are doing pretty well.

I should mention that at the moment I am both blogging and winning at UNO. This is also the first blog post I have written in transit on my iPad, while a friend singing with me sings a song (with the lyrics “ftftf huan ftftf huan”) free entertainment while you travel what could be better?

3 responses to “Fun and games in Poland

  1. Traveling with small travel games is a great way to have an inexpensive evening and enjoy local food or beverage

  2. hahaha i totally won that game. and you forgot to mention how on trips you get to learn a thing or two about sports like cricket or how to pronounce words like “wrath” from super awesome friends.


  3. Pingback: 93 Hours and 5 Minuets in Poland: Warsaw « Spend Little Go Far

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